About us
General information
about the company
Crianza Beverage Group AS is the mother company of Bodegas Ceron S.l, Crianza Norway AS and Crianza Vinimport Sverige AB.
Bodegas Ceron S.L Spain is a company with main focus on export.
Crianza Vinimport Sverige AB is a company with main focus on Swedish market.
Crianza Norway AS is a company s a company with main focus on Norwegian market.
Crianza was nominated as entrepreneur of the year 2019 in Norway.
The beginning
Crianza was established in Norway in November 2009 by Johan Manon Ceron, with a clear goal to import high quality wine with its own personality.

Johan Crianza has been active both in sales and marketing in the Norwegian wine market and later also the segment for beer and spirits.
Johan Crianza has worked with talented people who taught him a lot throughout his career as a skilled waiter. This involves Toralf Bølgen and Leif Fredriksen to mention some.
He has wine experience from some of Oslo's most prestigious restaurants; Restaurant 2etg Gourmet, Theatercafeen Hotel Continental Oslo, Bølgen and Moi Gourmet and Ekeberg Restaurant Gourmet Veranda.
Moreover, he is educated as a sommelier from Lycée Professionnel Freming-Merle Bach in France. Later he finished the superior sommelier education at Escuela Española de Cata in Spain in 2012.
Crianza's philosophy
Import and work with wine, beer and spirits that are produced with heart and passion, where each bottle is carefully manufactured and quality controlled. Time proves quality.